Monday, September 30, 2019

International Business Mnc Essay

Introduction Multi National Corporation engages in domestic and foreign product development. Sometimes the host country has a product (labor, ingredient, part, etc) that is rare or less costly than producing it in the home country; therefore establishing a Multinational Corporation is a win-win for the host country as far as supply, demand, labor and cost. Many corporations currently engage in Multinational Enterprise and are successful in their efforts. Having businesses that are active in MNC truly creates a global business community where mutual interests and product development are core to the needs of the customer, business and boost foreign economies with jobs, businesses and exporting goods. Country Economic system Political environment Legal environment Technological China Mixed economy Socialism Complex regulations Japan Mixed economy Capitalism Complexity France Mixed economy Capitalist/Socialist Complexity Ethical system Social responsibility indicators Cultural dimension Confucianism Laws & regulations Collectivism Laws & regulations Collectivism Laws & regulations Collectivism Product, Business Plan and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Acai berry is native to Central and South America and the plant is a great anti-oxidant that can be used for several purposes. My company, Natural Beauty, has partnered with Acai palm tree companies in Belize to provide the product and have manufacturing warehouses located in Belize. This foreign direct investment offers a win-win situation for all of the companies involved. We have chosen the downstream vertical FDI as a means to partner with Acai palm tree farms and companies in Belize. The home country is the U. S. and although the product is not sold in Belize however it is distributed in other countries such as the United States, Brazil, France, England, China, Japan, and Qatar. There are multiple advantages of an FDI as show in the ownership, location, and internalization (OLI) framework (Peng, 2011). Understanding the framework I understand that ownership allows for possession and leveraging of resources, value and other added components to allow a competitive market. The Location component ensures that we are close to our main ingredient with the product, that we are able to have labor, ingredients and manufacturing at the lowest cost available while providing a boost to the host countries local economy and creating global competition. We are in several countries which provide internalization and we have intellectual property rights over all of our products, processes and business plan. We protect our businesses by knowing our dissemination risks and safeguarding against them as much as possible. Since we know our dissemination risks we are able to safeguard against direct competitors that may branch out from local distributors. We also are aware of market imperfections and do our best through our international legal team to stay abreast of international trade, business and government regulations. We also have safeguards against agglomeration due to the international craze over the Acai berry, plant and trees. We do this through our contract clauses which state other companies cannot be located within a certain distance, city, or space as ours in host countries. Natural Beauty, Inc. understands the intricacies of business and politics, especially within an international structure. We are in no way operating as a monopoly or radical imperialist (Peng, 2011) business. We believe in free market and working with our host country partners to ensure that each of them are maximizing their capacity and invested in the good and services provided by our joint venture. It is important that the FDIs benefits outweigh the costs and it is truly a win-win for all parties involved. Cost and Benefits of FDI As we can only imagine, there are benefits and costs to both the host and the home countries involved in Multinational Corporation. The benefits for Belize are the capital inflow, technology, management and job creation. The other countries of distribution have the same benefits that boost local knowledge, economy and globalization. The costs for the host countries are loss of sovereignty, capital outflow, and competition. The largest benefit is creation of jobs and expanded knowledge. The largest cost is loss of sovereignty. The benefits for the host countries must outweigh the costs and only the local governments and direct companies involved can project overtime which is more beneficial for them. The benefits for the Natural Beauty in the U.S. are earnings, exports, and learning from abroad whereas the costs are capital outflow and job loss. The latter can be quite devastating if the proper precautions and business plans are not in place in addition to being aware of local/international politics. However job loss here means possible savings in salary/wages in other host countries where the earning are not as high which saves the company money. The largest benefits are earnings and learning from abroad. The largest cost is job loss and the political climate around American companies that take their businesses abroad (remember NAFTA). Another threat is that local business can learn your process and then become your largest competitor and they have the â€Å"home field† advantage. This is known as the contagion effect (Peng, 2011). We recognize that FDIs can be complex and must be mutually beneficial for all parties involved and therefore we make a conscientious effort to recognize the need for location advantages, licensing and outsourcing knowledge/expertise and understanding of constraints (political and business in order to be successful). Future of MNC The future of Multinational Enterprise is contingent upon true understanding of global communities and global business. Understanding that free market, consciousness and international trade laws will dictate most of the business efforts and establishments. Many companies are already engaging in MNC successfully (BMW, Coca Cola, etc) and those interested in exploring this option should create several case studies looking at the successful and not so successful efforts in this realm to learn from them. I think that host MNC countries participating in FDI should be careful not to lose their power and prestige in the name of partnering for monetary gain. It is easy for smaller less powerful countries to get lost in the MNC FDI advantage for the sake of job creation and boosting local economy; however not at the cost of their culture, citizens and green space (for those working with rainforest communities or those with precious agriculture). The future of MNC can be bright when all partie s involved are up front and conscious about maintaining and win-win business. References Peng, M., (2011). Global. 1st Edition; Mason, OH, Cengage Learning†¦/CN/technological-environment.html Luthans, F., & Doh, J. P. (2012). International management: Culture, strategy, and behavior (8th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Philosophy of Sport

History of Volleyball History and Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education Lauren Swift March 26, 2010 Volleyball has grown over the past couple of centuries starting in 1865 to the 20th century. There are millions of people playing the game of volleyball and growing more and more each day. Volleyball has gone worldwide and many people have accepted the game and has become the most popular sport than any of the other sports in American and international countries. Volleyball became both a recreational as well as a competitive sport in the United States due to its popularity. The development of volleyball both gave people to play with no stress, fundamental skills, and to just have fun playing this newly developed game. as time went on, competitive play was introduced and more and more teams practiced and developed their skills to become better players at the game of volleyball. Since volleyball’s first origin, the sport has seen amazing changes and variations. Volleyball started out slow but now is in the Olympics every year where millions and millions of people watch the competition of the world’s best teams all over the country. When people watched volleyball at the Olympics or at a professional (college), they would leave thrilled and excited that the game of volleyball had such an impact on them. The game of volleyball was developed by William G. Morgan who was the physical director of the YMCA in Holyoke, Massachusetts. He attended Mount Herman Preparatory School, but after one year transferred to the School for Christian Workers (now Springfield College) where he received a good background in recreational skills (Bertucci p. 11). Springfield College was where the first volleyball game was played and consisted of two teams with five players on each side. He was involved with the Playground Movement in 1890-1900 for group games. Morgan developed future studies under Dr. Luther Gulick who said that games should have many participants rather than only a few. Volleyball began in the middle ages and moved all around the country from there. In 1893 the sport was introduced to Italy and then to Germany and they called the sport Faust ball. Morgan, however, when he developed the game in Holyoke gymnasium he called it mintonette and shortly after in 1896 Morgan changed the name to volleyball. When the first games of volleyball were played and the sport was globally impacting everyone who played the game, volleyball started to become more and more popular. In 1897, the printed rules of volleyball appeared in the first Handbook of the Athletic league of the Young Men’s Christian Association of North America. The game was thus taken by physical directors of the YMCA to countries throughout the world (Bertucci p. 3). In 1915, volleyball became so popular that it was noted as a team sport and was ranked with basketball, football, and baseball as another fantastic game to go into the school programs. Volleyball was also popular near the end or World War 1. The YMCA physical directors introduced to the troops the game of volleyball. The total participation from July 1, 1918 to July, 1, 1919, amounted to nearly a million (985, 876), and the distribution of more than 15,000 volleyballs by the YMCA alone bears out this statement (Bertucci p. 15). In 1924 in Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania, the first scholastic volleyball program was developed by Harry Batchelor and C. Lawrence Walsh. They taught classes about volleyball, organized leagues, and created intramural teams in 1922. In 1946, schools began to develop club teams like; Stanford University, University of California, and Earlham College. In 1974, the federation of High School Athletics developed a committee to encourage on a worldwide scale that every high school be promoted to championships and to write their own rules and regulations. In 1956, there was reported that 60 million people were playing volleyball annually on an organized basis. Growth and development was essential to the game of volleyball and has made it to what it is today. Two organizations played a huge part in the game of volleyball to help get its start and room for growth and development; they are the YMCA and the USVBA. The role of the YMCA was to provide leadership and direction for volleyball and they were the only group that had facilities at that time to open to the public to play volleyball and other sports. The YMCA played such a huge role in the development of volleyball because, when volleyball first started out up until 20 years after the game came into existence, the YMCA ruled volleyball. Things changed after those 20 years and the original rules finally changed. The YMCA in 1916 was the main leaders in having the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) help out with revising the rules and regulations in effect to promote volleyball more efficiently. As a result the Spalding Athletic Library â€Å"blue cover† volleyball rulebook was published (Shondell, and McManama p. 7). The YMCA was the main leader in inventing the sport of volleyball, having facilities and gymnasiums where people can come and play indoors whenever they want, and giving the people a chance to experience and play the game of volleyball. The YMCA also was credited for the competitive aspect of the game and sponsored tournaments and also held their own YMCA championship in 1922. The YMCA continued th ese tournaments and championships while playing indoors until 1928. The USVBA has been around since 1928 and the first 30 years they were in business, volleyball had no direction or any rules of the game to be enforced. The USVBA was created to regulate the rules worldwide and to hold national open tournaments. The â€Å"father of volleyball† was Dr. George J. Fisher and was elected president and served until 1952 of the USVBA. The USVBA had its first actual tournament in Chattanooga, Tennessee that developed three divisions. One division was the maters division, 1949 they added a women’s division, and an armed forces division in 1952 but was cancelled or depleted in 1965. The USVBA consisted of many national organizations to involve all sport groups to promote the regulation of volleyball. The USVBA was the main company to govern the championships and tournaments, promoting the sport, and the rules and regulations of volleyball. The YMCA and the USVBA were the main two companies’ of the competitiveness of volleyball, but other groups contributed for the growth of the game of volleyball. Volleyball has been more and more educated by individuals over the past 30-40 years. Educators fully understood that volleyball was a team sport just like football, baseball, and basketball. The NCAA promoted that volleyball be given to a huge facility to where college students could take place in organized activities. From there volleyball was put into many different aspects of schools, and intramural programs in college settings. In 1960, Midwestern institutions formed an Intercollegiate Association (MIVA) and the main goal was to get volleyball to be included and discovered in Midwestern colleges while regulating the volleyball competition. The MIVA while being respectable were responsible for many types of leadership such as area, international, and national. In the 1960’s intercollegiate sports involved the overall goal of competitive volleyball. The NCAA and the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) conducted investigations into the addition of volleyball to their national championship programs (Shondell, and McManama p. 59). When making intercollegiate history the NAIA made volleyball their 15th competitive sport. By making volleyball their 15th sport the coaches associated was put in place for the first time. The high schools added volleyball as a recreational sport to their physical education classes. The AAHPER â€Å"American Association of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation† gave leadership in volleyball for education purposes. The AAHPER provides charts, newspapers, journals, and many other printed materials to help the teachers with their profession. They were the main contributor to the game of volleyball both competitively and recreationally through the division for Girls and Women’s Sports (DGWS). The spread of volleyball internationally was a huge success and United States armed forces did everything they could to make this happen. England got first introduced to the game of volleyball in 1914 and moved rather quick and fast to Europe. Soldiers even though their training, recreational programs, and busy schedules they were also given a task to promote volleyball in other countries and at home with their families. The YMCA has the credit for promoting volleyball abroad as well spreading the news to Canada, Southern Hemisphere, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, and Brazil. The foreign countries when introduced to volleyball they chose to take the competitive side, and they also played recreationally but when it came down to team strategy, and the skill they were very competitive. The International Volleyball Foundation was founded in 1947 in Paris and published rules and presenting or hosting yearly world championships. In 1949 the international competition was under way and the championships were held in Prague. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) designated volleyball as an Olympic team sport in 1957, and it was included in the 1964 and 1968 Olympic Games (Shondell, and McManama p. 0). International competition affected many techniques, riles, and equipment that were used in the United States. For example, the Filipinos made to where you can only hit the ball three times on your side then you have to get it over the net. In effect to the number of hits on each side and the development of â€Å"the spike† in volleyball by international co untries, the United States saw radical changes being made and the United States eventually changed the rules to what the international countries came up with. Volleyball had cultural impacts and contributions when the game was evolving. John D. Giles and Hill were YMCA directors and promoted the sport and they stressed that people should develop strong, positive characters. Both Giles and Hill stressed these important values in the very first volleyball rulebook. Playing with friends, family, or with new people that you just met can be fun and socially interactive. You can play the game and be competitive while socializing and therefore creating new friendships. A volleyball player or the team cannot mesh well together or work effectively if they don’t have loyalty, courtesy, agreeableness, and cooperation. Many volleyball teams can have problems and are usually created by negative attitudes. By playing volleyball you can improve your moral judgment in addition to your skills. For example; if a ball is out and you touched it with your hand then you should be a moral person and be honest about you touching the ball. There are many other values that are good to have with volleyball; alertness, determination, and persistence. Recreational and competitive volleyball is relaxing, fun, and stress free and in today’s society many people could use some stress free time to just relax and have fun. The values of volleyball are very important as to how this sport really flourished. President Eisenhower and President Kennedy encouraged more and more people to get out there and exercise and to be physically fit. The tools and equipment needed to play volleyball are not expensive to get and is a fun game for everyone to play and is easy to get access to as well. Volleyball can promote being active and to staying healthy while not doing too much of a strenuous workout, it gives you time to rest and to collect your thoughts. Volleyball has come a long way in the past 40-50 years since it was first invented. It has made groundwork for new organizations, scholarships, and traveling around the world by playing and creating the game of volleyball. Many changes were made in the United States and in foreign countries and we all came together to experience the joy of volleyball and to help the game flourish. I only played volleyball my senior year of high school and I have never played the sport before but I wish I would have played it earlier because once I experienced the game of volleyball, I fell in love with the game and now I got a scholarship and a great opportunity to keep playing the sport I love. In a sense, volleyball has opened a new door for men, women, kids, and teenagers to experience something new and eventually made its way through history to become one of the most popular sports today. Works Cited Bertucci, Bob. Championship Volleyball by The Experts. Volume 12. West Point, N. Y: Leisure Press, (p. 11-18). Print. Egstrom, Glen H, and Frances Schaafsma. Volleyball: Physical Education Activities Series. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Company Publishers, 1966. (p. 40-47). Print. Shondell, Donald, and Jerre McManama. Volleyball. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1971. (p. 55-62). Print. Thigpen, Janet. Power Volleyball for Girls and Women. 2nd ed. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Company Publishers. 1967, 1974. (p. 3-10). Print.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Who’s to Blame?

Who’s to Blame? The world is full of everyday crimes carried on by criminals who should face the consequences of their actions, no matter what. The people of Rome are debating over who should be blamed for Julius Caesar’s assassination. The majority of the people believe the conspirators are responsible for Caesar’s death. This is a logical accusation for they are the ones that killed him, but the ones who should really be blamed and punished are Gaius Cassius and Marcus Brutus. These two vile men led the conspirators in the plan to assassinate Caesar. Cassius and Brutus were the ones who carried out the actual assassination.Caesar’s death was unacceptable in every way. These men, along with the conspirators, stabbed Caesar thirty-three times. Thirty-three! Was that really necessary? They had no authority, no right to kill him, yet they still did. They did what they thought was the right thing to do, not what the people of Rome thought was right. These men killed him because they thought it was the best for Rome. As we all know, death should not be used to solve personal problems. These men had personal problems because they feared to be under Caesar’s rule, so they decided to get rid of him instead.They thought Caesar didn’t deserve to be crowned because according to them he was a â€Å"coward† that pleaded for help because he couldn’t do heroic things on his own. Cassius once compared Caesar to a sick girl crying for water (I, ii, 118- 131). This was not the way to go, yet they did and they made themselves and the people believe it was acceptable. Cassius and Brutus should face the consequences because committing crime under the law is highly unacceptable. In a crime, the leaders are responsible for the outcomes and punishment. In Caesar’s death, the leaders were Cassius and Brutus.Cassius was mostly responsible for persuading the men to join his plan. It was mainly his idea to get rid of Caesar. Cassius thought he was superior to Caesar and thus, thought it was a good idea to get rid of him. He saw it as being tolerable to kill Caesar just because he wasn’t good enough to be king. It probably never crossed his mind how unjust and unreasonable this act was. No one has the right to murder someone else no matter how the person is. Everyone is unique, and we all have our flaws, but this doesn’t give others the right to kill us.Brutus was then persuaded by Cassius and the men to join their conspiracy. He frankly and honestly believed that the best for Rome was to get rid of Caesar by killing him. Cassius and Brutus both made a huge mistake by believing it was fair and righteous to assassinate Caesar. Now, both of them should face the consequences of their mistakes like the responsible and â€Å"honorable† men they are. When Brutus gave his speech at Caesar’s funeral, he had the nerve to call himself a man of honor (III, ii, 14-16). Cassius and Brutus tried to cover up what had happened by lying to the people.They told them they had to kill him for everyone’s own good. The people were already replacing Caesar with Brutus because they thought what Brutus said was true and acceptable. They began to chant things like â€Å"Let him be Caesar! † and â€Å"Caesar’s better parts should be crowned in Brutus† (III, ii, 49-52). Even after what he had just done, Brutus was still willing to receive the crown. How can someone possibly live with the idea of killing a friend you once loved, and then taking his place? If it weren’t for Cassius and Brutus, Caesar would have never died that way.There were people who were unhappy with the idea of Caesar being crowned, but they never thought of killing him. Cassius and Brutus actually went to the extreme of killing him just because they didn’t like the idea of Caesar telling them what to do. Everyone deserves a chance in life, and they should have given Caes ar a chance to rule Rome. If the people were unhappy with the way he ruled, then it would be up to them to overthrow him and demand for a new leader. It wasn’t Cassius and Brutus’s decision to think for the people and decide for them.I have made my point and I honestly believe Gaius Cassius and Marcus Brutus are culpable for Julius Caesar’s death. If anyone should be punished, it ought to be them. They betrayed Rome, leaving the people in turmoil and fury. They took away the life of guiltless, reasonable man who would have done a great leader. It was not the adequate thing to do, even if they thought they benefited from it. How can someone kill a person to benefit themselves? There is no right to kill, therefore these men are to blame for Caesar’s death and they should face the consequences.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Goals and Objectives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Goals and Objectives - Essay Example I was very excited and enthusiastic about this job as it would land me an opportunity to meet new people and learn about their lifestyles. It would also help me to improve my interpersonal, communication skills and confidence. Everyday I used to meet number of people and my interaction with them helped me improve my English language as well. I knew that if I excelled in that job, it would serve as a stepping stone for many greater things ahead in my future. It would make my personality better and make me more presentable in front of people. This job was a good opportunity to get the basic training needed to succeed in this industry. My aim was to gain as much confidence as possible and improve my interpersonal skills from this position and then seek a higher position such as team leader or assistant manager. The nature of my job as a sales advisor, as stated earlier, involved meeting many people during the day. This has taught me many things and has changed me as an individual. I have learned to be more patient in life and how to deal with tensed and stressful situations in a calm, composed manner. For example; I am often faced with the challenge of satisfying many customers’ demands at the same time. These kinds of situations have also taught me to think quickly and respond to difficult situations. I have learned to think fast and say the appropriate thing in difficult situations. This job has given me the opportunity to improve my communication skills. When I started working at Superdrug, the company started organizing seminars for new employees. A personal trainer was appointed to me to guide me through the initial days of my job at the respective company. Around that time, the assistant manager gave me a book that I was supposed to complete and submit by the end of December that year. This book had around 100 pages in it, consisting of questions related to my job, about the company, its products and company policies etc. I carried out this

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Recruitment and Selection Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Recruitment and Selection - Article Example The hiring manager prepares a job posting and newspaper ad for review based on the job description. The manager can advise on other parts of the recruitment and selection process if it is deemed necessary. The Hiring Manager assists the HR in preparation of advertisements, design of the selection process and postings. Employees in an organization can play a role in the recruitment process. If they enjoy their job, the will recommend applicants. It can be facilitated by using an employee referral portal to communicate new positions to the employees. As the word gets around, applications Hiring Manager’s greatest challenge is a shortage of qualified candidates. A small number of candidates apply for advertised positions. The other challenge is the failure of a recruitment panel to use social media or to allow mobile phone system to allow convenient application by candidates. Potential candidates have grown weary emails from networking

Santa Monica Mountain Watershed Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Santa Monica Mountain Watershed - Research Paper Example The paper tells that the Santa Monica Mountains in the United State are parallel to the Mountain Santa Susana which is mainly situated straightly to the north side of the mountains crossways the San Fernando Valley. Many tourists come here every year for viewing and feel the beauty of the fresh air at the mountains, valleys, rivers, and forest in the Mountains. The mountain range is situated on the banks of Pacific Ocean. So it can provide a fantastic beach for the tourist in the evening. The UC natural set aside Scheme that plays an enabling position in the main research project that is of worldwide importance. By offering sheltered, landscape-scale locales, in addition, to support services devoted to research there sites to catch the attention of experts in a large variety of fields ranging from engineering, environmental science and marine environmental science to computer science, forestry sciences and geology. The Santa Monica Mountain Watersheds features and channel morphology are the main purposes of geologic and atmosphere controls. In the San Monica Mountain, the geology was discovered to be one of the significant aspects of developing the presence of summer low flow habitation which is possibly one of the main limiting aspects in California streams. Some of the places aquifers are present and also the water in the ground area is forced to the surface area due to the presence of sheer mistakes, springs and seeps are more general. The appearances of rocks by way of low hydraulic conductivity and a non-existence of faulting presence to show the way little or no base flow. On a regional level the eastern area of the Santa Monica Mountain likely provides a superior prospective for summer season low flow on the reason of the favorable geology. â€Å"Escondido and Little Sycamore also had potential in terms of providing low flow habitat with approximately 49 and 40 percent of the channel being wet during the dry months, respectively. Further comparison and ranking of the quality of fish habitat among basins will be elucidated through analysis of the existing field data† (Harrison et al. 13). Target audience of the Santa Monica Mountain Watersheds are, the K-12, University student, teacher, general public and Non-Formal Educator. More than 90,000 peoples are lives in the regions of the Los Angles state call this watershed house as do innumerable animals and plant species. Protection of watershed is the one of the extremely significant aspects not only the quality of life of the residents of the country but also to guarantee the long-term healthiness of the ecosystem. On the other hand enhanced urbanization has resulted in the quality of water and quantity matters in addition to the loss of grave habitat. Various association and organizations is gather various data’s and information in the watershed, a number of them are going back healthy more than 20 years. Information relating to the quality of water is of particular significance due to its consequence on plant, person, and animal and on the whole system health. â€Å"The Las Virgenes Municipal Water District, H eal the Bay, the Resource Conservation District, the City of Calabasas and many other agencies has

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The strategy consulting companys products Assignment

The strategy consulting companys products - Assignment Example In its activities such as assessment, formulation and decision making, this firm concentrates on the interest of their customers who plays a vital role in the success of the organization. While carrying out their plans, this organization makes sure that it has put the interest of their clients above everything. In a business, buyers or clients play a significant role because they generate the necessary income to make the business continue running its projects and be able to pay its employees (Grant & Jordan, 2012). The MGT510 strategic management calls for a strategic choice, analysis and strategic implementation from a company while carrying out its processes (Grant & Jordan, 2012). However, in its operations, this organization carries an intense analysis of their clients by asking for so much details from them, a feature that the MGT510 strategic management does not mention in its ways of operation. This company collects so much information from clients to be sure of their credibility. As much as it is important to allow customers their privacy, it is also important to gather enough information from them to be able to know how to handle their cases (Robinson,

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

GPS Systems in police patrol Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

GPS Systems in police patrol - Essay Example In addition, there is advantage of the GPS in terms of response time or arriving at a disclosed vicinity immediately, especially in emergency situations. For instance, a patrol vehicle that is located in a particular street in New York would be able to respond as soon as possible when an emergency call to address burglary or criminal activities in that street is reported. Through the GPS the police officers would immediately locate and respond, as required. 2) Explain the value of Automated Vehicle Locators (AVL) in police patrol vehicles from the point of view of a police dispatcher or supervisor. AVLs in police patrol vehicles are defined as â€Å"a device that makes use of the Global Positioning System (GPS) to enable a business or agency to remotely track the location of its vehicle fleet by using the Internet. These devices combine GPS technology, cellular communications, street-level mapping, and an intuitive user interface, with the ostensible goal of improving fleet management and customer service† (Tech Target par. 1). Therefore, from the point of view of a police dispatcher or a supervisor, AVLs provide them with the ability to immediately locate the whereabouts of these police patrol vehicles at all times and assist them in the following examples: monitoring purposes to determine if the patrol vehicles are in areas where they are supposed to be; and in changing their routes or for re-routing purposes, as immediately

Monday, September 23, 2019

CQF final Project Statistics Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

CQF final - Statistics Project Example Consider a cantilever beam that has a load that is denoted by F and the load is applied at the end. The beam has a diameter that is denoted by D, this diameter is from the cross-sectional area of the beam and the elastic modulus of the beam is denoted by E. It is a known fact that the elastic modulus of the material changes hence changes from beam to beam. L represents the length and it is a constant for every ten centimeters of the beam. All these will be random inputs of the beam in order to manufacture them. F is the only random variable, F has, a lognormal distribution, the deflection will have lognormal distribution. But of several variables are random, then the analysis is much more complicated. In order to address this problem we use the sampling approach whereby we assume a distribution function to represent all input variables. Sample variable independently then calculate the deflection from the formula. When this is repeated on many occasions in order to determine and obtain the output distribution. Assume that we know all the distributions for all input variables. Three input variables will be taken then calculated in order to find out the output distribution. Rand of one gives us one return of random number that is uniformly distributed between zero and one. If you take that and give the force that runs from between 1000 and 1050 newton, you take the minimum value that is 1000 newton and add fifty times that random number that is between zero and one which will give us a number between zero and fifty with equal probability line between them. For all the other variables, this will take place for all values that include the diameter and inertia. This involves making a decision as to how many samples are required which gives the random n samples which in return are a vector of uniformly distributed numbers between zero and one which give uniformly distributed forces which are 100000 forces all in one command. Now that the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Budget Management and Variance Analysis Essay Example for Free

Budget Management and Variance Analysis Essay A budget is a tool that helps managers to ensure that the required resources are obtained and used effectively and efficiently as the organization moves towards achievement of its objectives. The budgets are determined yearly and are based upon the previous year’s budget and variances. This paper will discuss a development of operating budget, comparison expense results with budget expectations, description of possible reasons for variances and strategies to keep results aligned with expectations, recommendation some benchmarking techniques that might improve budget accuracy. The operating budget is a plan for the organization’s revenues and expenses that generally covers a period of one year (Finkler, Kovner, Jones, 2007). In healthcare organization the nurse manager of each cost center involves in the preparation and control of the operating budgets (Finkler, Kovner, Jones, 2007). The finance office of the organization provides support throughout the budget process development. The budgets for the costs centers are combined, and the executive management of the organization makes final decisions on a budget to be submitted to the board for approval. The nurse managers need a variety of information to begin the process of preparing operating budgets for their cost centers, such as the information generated by the organization’s environmental review and by its development of general goals, objectives, policies, organization wide assumptions, program priorities, and specific measurable objectives (Finkler, Kovner, Jones, 2007). For example, the environmental review and the general goals, objectives, and policies allow the manager to understand what the organization wants to accomplish and what it believes it will be able to accomplish. For another instance, the organization-wide assumptions and specific measurable objectives then provide the manager with information needed to start preparing the specific details of the budget. In addition, within nursing administration, additional back-ground information is needed before nurse managers can commence cost center budget preparation (Finkler, Kovner, Jones, 2007). Especially the organization’s approach to delivering nursing care must be clearly understood by all nurse managers. For example, responsibilities of LPNs as opposed to RNs, role of nursing assistants, or proportion of staff works on each shift. According to Finkler, Kovner, Jones (2007), the primary steps of the operating budget development include the calculation of expense budget for personnel, the expense budget for costs other than personnel services, and the revenue budget, budget submission, and budget implementation. To prepare the revenue or expense portions of the operating budget, the first step is to ascertain the volume of work for the coming year (Finkler, Kovner, Jones, 2007). The amount of work performed by a unit is referred to as its workload (Finkler, Kovner, Jones, 2007). Workload budget is budget that indicates the amount of work performed by a unit or department, measured in terms of units of service. Workload may be measured in a variety of ways, such as the number of patients, patient days, deliveries, visits, treatments, or procedures. Each cost center must determine the measure that is most appropriate for its unit of service. Once a cost center defines its key unit or units of service, it must predict the number of units of service that will be provided in the coming year. This will allow development of the operating budget. Expense budget for personnel is budget for all personnel under the manager’s direction, generally within a cost center such as RNs, LPNs, aides, and clerical staff (Finkler, Kovner, Jones, 2007). Expense budget for other-than-personnel services is budget for all expenses for other-than personnel services such as supplies, minor equipment, including both direct unit or department expenses and indirect overhead expenses (Finkler, Kovner, Jones, 2007). Budget submission is another step in budget development, when revenue and expense portions of the budget must be summarized and submitted for review together with detailed supporting calculations and narrative justification (Finkler, Kovner, Jones, 2007). Budget revisions may be required as the result of a series of negotiations over the submitted budget (Finkler, Kovner, Jones, 2007). Budget implementation is a final step of budget development, when managers must address a number of issues in implementing an approved budget, including development of a staffing plan that provides coverage for staff weekends, olidays, vacations, and sick leave as well as busy and slow periods (Finkler, Kovner, Jones, 2007). A budget variance occurs when the actual results of financial activity differ from your budgeted projections (Finkler, Kovner, Jones, 2007). The expense reports show the difference between the budget and the actual amount spent and the result is called the variance. Variances may be within the budget, which is favorable, or over the budget, which is unfavorable (Finkler, Kovner, Jones, 2007). The variance is used to predict the budget for upcoming years, help with spending during the current year, and help with evaluating the managers and their departments. To determine the cause of variances the managers must investigate and justify to upper management why the variance occurred. There are a variety reasons for variances, which must be identified and controlled if possible. While analyzing the nursing expense results from various units for a pay period, there were some favorable and unfavorable variances. While reviewing the expense record the paid productive hour’s variance was within the budget and the paid nonproductive hour’s variance was 60 hours over the budgeted hours. The unfavorable variance of paid nonproductive hours may have occurred due to some staff being on modified duty, sick leave, meeting time, or education time, which means they are getting paid with no patient care involved. The overtime percentage of hour’s variance was 7. 5% over the budget and the registry percentage of hour’s variance was 8. % over the budget, both are unfavorable. The overtime may have been caused by bad time management, late arrival of the next shift, or working past shift hours due to not enough staff. The increase in the registry hours may have been due to not enough regular staff due to hiring freeze or staff being off for personal or illness reasons. The hours per patient day (HPPD) licensed productive hours was . 13 over budget, the direct product hours was within budget, and the total productive hours was within budget. The hours per patient day over budget may have been caused by the unit being over staffed or also due to the overtime and registry hours. The average daily census (ADC) per unit varied from being within budget to 7. 50 over the budget. The daily census is very unpredictable and depends on the time of year, the admissions from ER or the clinic, and transfers from other hospitals or facilities. Strategies to keep the results aligned with expectations may be done by performance budgeting, which will analyze key reas such as staffing, cost control, increased productivity, and indirect and direct patient care. The activities affected by analyzing these performance areas would be daily staffing calculations, reduced cost to the unit, working more efficiently and better time management, patient care planning, and time spent on patient charting. Offering incentives could also be a good way to involve the staff by informing them of the budget goals. Benchmarking helps to identify performance gaps and identify where improvement is needed. â€Å"Benchmarking is used by large health systems and smaller practices alike as a tool to identify targets and set goals enabling staff to compare the operation’s service, process, and outcomes with those already attaining best practice† goals† (Borglum, 2008, para 12). There are many benchmarking techniques; for the purpose of this paper three will be discussed, financial, performance, and operational. Financial benchmarking is performing a financial analysis and comparing the results in an effort to assess your overall competitiveness and productivity† (Cimasi, 2006, para 10). â€Å"Financial benchmarking is among the more effective techniques for extracting information from a health care enterprise’s historical operating performance and presenting it in a form that facilitates informed judgments that help predict the subject entity’s future operating performance and financial condition† (Cimasi, 2006, para 16). Performance benchmarking involves comparing the performance levels of organizations for a specific process, this information can then be used for identifying opportunities for improvement and/or setting performance targets† (Business Performance Improvement Resources, 2011, para 26). â€Å"Performance levels of other organizations are normally called benchmarks and the ideal benchmark is one that originates from an organization recognized as being a leader in the related area† (Business Performance Improvement Resources, 2011, para 27). Performance benchmarking may involve the comparison of financial measures (such as expenditure, cost of labor, cost of buildings/equipment, cost of energy, adherence to budget, cash flow, revenue collected) or non-financial measures (such as absenteeism, staff turnover, the percentage of administrative staff to front-line staff, budget processing time, complaints, environmental impact or call center performance)† (Business Performance Improvement Resources, 2011, para 28). In conclusion, the operating budget is a plan for the organization’s revenues and expenses that generally covers a period of one year and developed by the nurse manager with support of the finance office of the organization (Finkler, Kovner, Jones, 2007). Variances may occur at any time, may be internal or external, and in most cases are correctable once investigated by the mangers. Benchmarking is used in strategic management and compares processes and performance to help improve organizations. The use of financial ratios and benchmarking is critical to understanding an entity’s overall historical performance and to the forecasting function of valuation analysis† (Cimasi, 2006, para 28). This paper has discussed specific strategies to manage budgets within forecast, compared five to seven expense results with budget expectations, described possible reasons for variances, gave strategies to keep results aligned with expectations, recommended three benchmarking te chniques, and identified what might improve budget accuracy, and justified the choices made.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Procter Gamble: Organisation And Development

Procter Gamble: Organisation And Development INTRODUCTION Procter Gamble was created in 1837 by William Procter who was a candle maker and James Gamble who was a soap maker. Since then the company was growing bigger and bigger as years past by. Nowadays, Procter Gamble is a multinational organization operating in more than 180 countries and producing over 300 products. Firstly, at this report, the strategic development of PG will be clearly evaluated and it will be followed by the evaluation of its resources and competences. Then, the evaluation of the companys external environment will be analyzed through the use of swot analysis, pest analysis and 5 forces analysis. Subsequently, a strategic group analysis of the industry that PG is engaged to will be carried out to illustrate their differentiate characteristics from other companies. Finally, the longer term strategy of PG will be clearly demonstrated with some future recommendations that could be supportive. Pattern of strategic development Since 1837 when Procter Gamble was founded, the company continued to grow and following the changes at the external environment, the corporate strategy of PG was changing as well. From 1945 to 2020, PG has three stages of corporate strategy, which are: Product diversification strategy (1945-1980), Globalization strategy (1980-2003), and Sustainable Development Strategy (2003-2020). Product diversification strategy (1945-1980) In 1946, PG introduced Tide washing powder. Tides performance was better than the similar products in the market and so it soon got as a big success. Subsequently, PG launched a lot of new products. The first fluoride toothpaste Crest Obtained certification by American Association of Dental Prevention, then it became the leading toothpaste brand quickly. In 1961, PG introduced Pampers which is disposable baby diapers, it is still one of the top product that PG sells (Ifeng Finance, 2010 ). The disadvantage of this strategy is that it is too difficult for the company to control and manage so many products and the company may over pursuit the market share and might not pay attention to develop the star products which have core competitiveness. As a result, the original core competitiveness is weakening and the company does not have its own characteristics, the concept of the companys image and product become blurred. Globalization strategy (1980-2003) Through the acquisition of Norwich Eaton pharmaceutical company  ¼Ã‹â€ 1982 ¼Ã¢â‚¬ ° and Rechardson-Vicks company ¼Ã‹â€ 1985 ¼Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¼Ã…’PG is active in personal care products industry. In the late 80s, early 90s, through the acquisition of Noxell ¼Ã…’Max Factor ¼Ã…’and Ellen Betrix, PG plays an important role in cosmetics and fragrances industry (Ifeng Finance, 2010 ). These acquisition activities have accelerated the process of PG globalization. Moreover, Pampers, Whisper, Pantene, Tide, Ariel, Crest, and Olay and other brands has become a world-renowned brands. However, the biggest problem when a company involved into other countries, is the cultural differences which will lead to different reactions on product on the consumers, thus the marketing strategies need to be changed accordingly. Also, the different national legal systems and the differentiation in consumers budgets is also greatly affecting the conduct of globalization strategy. Sustainable Development Strategy (2003-2020) At the current stage, the tenet of PGs organization strategy is sustainability which means improving peoples life quality. In order to achieve this strategy, PG to start work from the following aspects: Products: PG developed and sold sustainable innovation products which can significantly reduce environmental pollution. In 2007, PG replaced the packaging of detergent as half of the originals, and adjusted the solution to double concentrated formula. The method saved the use of packaging materials and reduced wastes. PGs purpose is to make the environment a better place (Adweek, 2007). Operations: PG established the sustainable development team in the offices. Through green recycling box, the company recycled more than 4800 kilograms of waste paper, and in exchanged for 69,000 new pieces of paper, moreover, the companys power consumption dropped by 10%, saving 17 million kWh which is equivalent to 560 families a months electricity consumption. In addition, in some factories and distribution centers, PG also installed solar power and rainwater collection and processing device, to further reduce energy consumption. (21ST CENTURY BUSINESS HERALD, 2009) Social Responsibility: In 2009, PG signed United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and developed a global reduction in carbon footprint by 2012, and that will be published the results of carbon reduction stage. (21ST CENTURY BUSINESS HERALD, 2009) So far, all of the efforts which PG has done are win-win situation of business and environment. When the company set up the environmental value chain, it will get financial gains from using energy efficiency and reducing wastes. Resources and Competences PG as we know it, is one of the worlds largest consumer products company but what does makes PG so successful while it competes in the huge consumer products industry? This part of the report is mainly focuses on the PGs resources and competences and how the resources and competences works together creating a competitive advantages for the firm. Resources Tangible resource The tangible resource is easy to be identified by looking at the financial report. Their net sale was $ 78. 9 billion in 2010, which is markedly stable by compared with the last two years net sales ($ 76.7million in 2009 and $79.3 in2008 respectively). The net earnings were $ 12. 7 billion and net operating income was $16 billion in 2010. This illustrates that PG has enjoyed a stable and healthy profits. Intangible resources The intangible resources are the brand equity, corporate culture and human resources. PG is the 6th Most Admired Company in Fortunes 2010 list; it was also one of the most valuable brands in the world. The corporate culture is unique, tough lives and improve life every day is PGs philosophy which encourages the PGners engaging to improve consumers life. PG is also very good at research develop. PG has invested $2 billion in consumer research over the last decade in order to understand consumers needs and to improve customers satisfaction. Additionally, at the same time RD increases the product innovation. Competences Marketing strategy Product differentiation: each product has different brands, for example shampoo has Rejoice, Pantene, and Head Shoulders. Only one product has more than three brands and detergent has as many as more than nine brands. Product differentiation can lower risk in case if one brand goes wrong. Various functions: one product has different functions and different packaging, for example, some of detergents have fragrance and others with the function of strong cleaning. This strategy will increase the market share for PG, such as in china along, the market share increased from 30% to 40% in 2010. Advertising: PG tends to use celebrities to advertise its products in order to attract young customers. Localization is another strategy that PG has adopted, for example in china, the company sells shampoo by suing Chinese girl who has black long hear, because this can represent the Chinese culture. Consumer understanding PG is a company that did most investigations in consumers and market research. More than 15,000 researches has been conducted each year. PG invested $350 million a year in consumer understanding in order to improve the customer needs. PG is the first company to focus on customer feedback. Innovation PG is the Innovation leader in the consumer products industry. Over the past 15 years, 125 PG innovations have earned a spot on the top 25 Pacesetters list more than six largest competitors combined. Innovation program: connect develop (C+D): PG is always seeking the opportunity to collaborate with people or company who has innovative ideas. The VRIO framework evaluates the competitive advantage from four aspects: valuable, rare, inimitable, and organized. From the evidence above the corporate culture was the Competitive parity. Because each organization has its unique cultures, it is inimitable. Human resources are the short term competitive advantage of the company. People are not fixed assets of one company, they can go to other company as well if they wish to. PGs competitive advantages are its brand equity, RD, marketing strategy, consumer understanding and innovation. External business environment At this part of the report, the evaluation of PGs external environment will take place. This evaluation will be contacted through the SWOT analysis, PEST analysis and Porters Five forces analysis. SWOT Analysis (Opportunities and Threats) SWOT analysis is a way to analyse an organisation and its environment. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Strengths and Weaknesses are the internal factors, Opportunities and Threats are the external factors. At this report we are only consider about the external factors. Opportunities The increasing demand for the section of male health and beauty goods is one of the biggest opportunities of PG and with the acquirement of Gillette, PG is growing rapidly at this particular market. Moreover, PG has a huge opportunity with its reaction to the enormous technological growth of the internet by utilizing different marketing techniques and online social networks. What is more, taking into consideration their long-term aims, they have been disconnected from some products such as the oral-care toothpaste of Gillette, Zest brand have been acquired by Brynwood Partners, etc. so PG will pay their full attention at brands of their interest. PG is persistently growing into more and more countries so at the moment operates in 80 countries and now due to the recession it is easier to acquire any smaller firms because of their financial problems (Canadian Business 2011, Worldlingo 2011). Threats PG as a global giant company have a lot of competitors like Kimberly Clark, Unilever, Johnsons Johnsons, etc. who in various countries causes large threat at the market share. Moreover, the competitors of PG are increasing their goods range through getting hold of other smaller firms. As a result of the recession, the consumers budget has been decrease and therefore their spending power is limited as well. Also, raw materials prices are rising thus the production cost is rising and the different currency rate place a huge threat on PG. PEST Analysis PEST analysis stands for Political, Economical, Social and Technological factors and it is used by the analysers to identify the external factors that may affect the organisation in an opportunity or as a threat. Political Factors ProcterGamble have created the PG Political Action Committee (PG PAC), which is a scheme that it was created to give the opportunity to the employees of PG to support candidates at the federal, state and local level who contribute to the quality of life at the communities. Moreover, PG by offering economic support contributes in the political process (Procter Gamble 2011). Economical Factors PG is designed to go through any type of economy as they are very capable and they have a commitment to the consumers. Subsequently, even at the time of the recession PG had margins to reduce costs and offer products to consumers ( Business Week 2011). Social Factors With the creation of Live Learn and Thrive Program, PG helps children in need to drink clean water so it helps them to have a healthy beginning in life. Moreover, it is making places, tools and programs available to them for better learning (Procter Gamble 2011). Technological Factors PG as a big organisation and as it is specified in a lot of different markets, they are focusing on more sophisticate technology and they have managed to reduce any unwanted errors. PG have managed to create new products and further improve their existing products (Procter Gamble 2011). Porters Five Forces Model (SlideShare INC. 2011) Porters five forces model is a framework that was created by Michael E. Porter in 1979 and it is consider with the buyers power, supplier power, the treat of new entrants, the treat of substitute and the rivalry of a firm. Buyer Power Consumers are well informed for all different brands of a specific product that are available mostly through advertising. Brand name is very important but consumers are very perceptive with price level as well. Thus, buyers power is high so PG organisation must remain competitive to keep being successful. Supplier Power The power of the suppliers to PG organisation can be low because the raw materials are easy to be find from different suppliers and what is more, such big firms have the opportunity to produce their own raw materials. Threat of New Entrants The threat of new entrants is very low since PG and their well known competitors are already huge global firms with very famous brand names and consumers will not just change their brand goods as easily. Moreover, setting up this kind of firm will cost millions. Threat of Substitutes The threat of substitutes that PG have to face is high. That can be seen from the retailers shops and sometimes the substitutes have cheaper prices and same performance. Degree of Rivalry The variety of the goods between different companies started to be similar to each other so the firms must begin a differentiation with offers, vouchers or even better/cooler advertises. Strategic group analysis PG is one of biggest multiple customer goods company in the world. Thus each product could have its own competitors. However, the main competitors of PG are Kimberly-Clark Co, Johnson Johnson and Unilever. Net sale of PG and Unilever The chart above illustrates the net sale of PG and Unilever in the last six years. As it can be seen, Unilever has about 10 billion more sales than PG in 2005. Interestingly, as it can be seen from 2006 to 2010, the net sale of PG is considerably more than Unilever. Furthermore, in 2008, PG reaches the peak showing 20 billion Net Sales more than Unilever ¼Ã‹â€ PG official website 2010, Unilever official website 2009 ¼Ã¢â‚¬ ° Product range and geographical scope Procter Gamble, Johnson Johnson, Unilever and Kimberly-Clark are the major international companies that sells their products all over the world. But as regard their geographic scope we can see huge differences. PG has been selling its products in more than 180 countries. Johnson Johnson is almost the same as Unilever, and they are both over 170countries. However, Kimberly-Clark has been developed up to 150 different countries. The product range of PG holds into 5 main product categories which are: Personal Beauty, House Home, Baby Family, Health Wellbeing and Pet Nutrition. Although the categories of PG are very similar with Unilever ¼Ã…’the food product of Unilever (Hearbrand, Lipton, sim-fast) gained an advantage over the other three companies. However, Johnson Johnson focuses its products on paramedical such as baby care, wound care and vision. In addition, Kimberly-Clark specializes in Health care products (PG official website 2010, Unilever official website 2009, Joh nson Johnson official website 2010, Kimberly-Clark official website 2010) Market share of shampoo in China With the development of shampoo market, the organization of PG became the leader of shampoo in Chinas market. PG basically owns five main shampoo brands which are Rejoice, Head Shoulders, Pantene ¼Ã…’Sassoon ¼Ã…’and Clairol; With these brands PG became the dominant position in many countries. Take china market as an example, PG take up nearly 60% shampoo market share in 2010. However, Unilever only accounted for 23%. The domestic brand C-bon only had 6.3% until 2010 (Bai Du website 2010). Successful factors PG adopts multi-brand strategy. When PG entered the China market, it launched Rejoice, Head Shoulders, Pantene, Sassoon and Clairol successively. What is more, each of these brands has its traits; for instance, the function of Head Shoulder should emphasis getting rid of surf and the function of rejoice is to soften the hair. Adopting the multi-brand strategy could have two advantages; Firstly, multi brand strategy can focus on different target market. Secondly, brand management can became very independent. In addition, at the same time it can reduce the risks. Supposing that one brand of PG frails, it will not affect the reputation of PG too much. On the other hand Unilever adopts the Monolithic Brand Strategy which with this method can save money on many advertisement fees, it lost the market share. PG always build the brand image with a massive advertising campaign. It is not only in newspaper, magazines, but also on major television channels. The advertisement of PG is very pertinence, because each of their brands are emphasizing its unique function (Bai Du website 2010). Long term strategy development of the organization References: Bai Du website (2010 ¼Ã¢â‚¬ °Brand of shampoo strategy in China. [online] available from [20 January 2011] Bai Du website (2010 ¼Ã¢â‚¬ °marketing analysis of PG and Unilever [online]available from [20 January 2011] Bai Du website (2010 ¼Ã¢â‚¬ °PG took up more 60%market share in China. [online]available from [21 January 2011] Business Week (2011) PG is up [online] available from [19 December 2010] Canadian Business (2011) Brynwood Partners [online] available from [7 January 2011] Docstock (2010) PG Analysis [online] available from [29 December 2010] Ifeng Finance. (2010) Procter and Gamble Profile [Online] Available from [10 January 2011] Johnson Johnson. (2010) official website [online]available from [16 January 2011] Kai, H. (2009) Procter Gamble: Environmental Friendly Promoting Innovation. Newspaper of 21st Century Business Herald, 26 Kenneth R. Andrews. (1980) The Concept of Corporate Strategy. Richard D. Irwin, Inc Kimberly-Clark ¼Ã‹â€ 2010 Official website [online] available from [18 January 2011] PG (2010) Official Website [online] available from [5 January 2011] SlideShare INC. (2011) Fluff Pulp Fiction [online] available from [5 January 2011] Sustainable Packaging Coalition. (2007) PG Canada Liquid Laundry Concentrate [Online] Available from [8 January 2010] Unilever (2009) Official Website [online] available from [14 January 2011] Worldlingo (2011) List of Procter Gamble brands [online] available from [6 January 2011]

Friday, September 20, 2019

Ontology :: essays research papers

Ontology One of the most controversial debates in philosophy has been over the nature of being. In the Pre-Socratic era the dispute focused on whether change was constant while our human perceptions made static separations so that we could make sense of our environment, or if being exists omnipresently and that our perceptions of diversity in matter are false. Plato tries to solve this dilemma with his theory of an objective reality in a realm different from that which we experience. Aristotle agrees with Socrates except that he believes an object’s true essence cannot exist separated from the object itself. I presume that we can exist with our own identity and inhere to a greater whole simultaneously, however my rationalism does not extend beyond people. Nonetheless, these philosophers all had valid conclusions and their theories compliment each other. "War is king"1 said Heraclitus. He believes that reality is not composed of a number of things, but is a process of continual creation and destruction. An accurate metaphor for his rationale is a river. It’s location remains basically the same. One can walk away from it, and return with the confidence that it will still be there. However, the exact water that flows through it is never the same. One can’t tell the difference between the water in the river now and the water in the river earlier and yet this transience of matter does not detract from the identity of the river. Heraclitus would say that all of what we experience is like the river, forever changing in a process of erosion and creation. Heraclitus’ successor, Parmenides, believes that Being must exist virtually in the mind. Because nothing cannot be thought without thinking of it as something, there cannot be "nothing"2, all that can exist is Being. If there is only Being it must be indestructible, uncreated, and eternal. If one agrees that Being is , then there can’t be any place where being is not. According Parmenides’ purely logical view, all perception of vacuous space is an illusion. Plato tried to solve this dilemma of ontology with his theory of the forms. "You have before your mind these two orders of things, the visible and the intelligible,"3 he says, which can be compared to opinion and knowledge respectively. In The Republic he uses a line analogy to explain the connection between what we perceive and what really exists. Dividing a line in four unequal parts gives us the four stages of understanding with a state of being on one side of the line corresponding to a state of understanding on the other side of the line.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Importance of Leadership in Lord of the Flies :: Lord Flies Essays

The Importance of Leadership in Lord of the Flies There are always people who, in a group, come out with better qualities to be a leader than others. The strongest people however, become the greater influences which the others decide to follow. However, sometimes the strongest person is not the best choice. Authors often show how humans select this stronger person to give an understanding of the different powers that people can posses over others. In William Golding's novel, Lord of the Flies Ralph though not the stronger person, demonstrates a better understanding of people than Jack which gives him better leadership qualities. Ralph displays these useful human qualities as a leader by working towards the betterment of the boys' society. He knows the boys need stability and order if they are to survive on the island. He creates rules and a simple form of government to achieve this order. Jack does not treat the boys with dignity as Ralph does. Ralph understands that the boys, particularly Piggy, have to be given respect and must be treated as equals. This makes Ralph a better leader as he is able to acknowledge that he was not superior to any of the other boys. Ralph's wisdom and ability to look to the future also make him a superior leader. Ralph has the sense to keep his focus on getting off the island. He insists on keeping the fire burning as a distress signal. Ralph's leadership provides peace and order to the island while Jack's leadership makes chaos. Under Jack's rule, the boys become uncivilized savages. They have no discipline. Ralph, however, keeps the boys under order through the meetings which he holds. At these meetings a sense of order is instilled because the boys have to wait until they hold the conch to speak. When Ralph says, "I'll give the conch to the next person to speak. He can hold it when he's speaking." (Golding 36) he enforces his role of leader by making rules and gives the boys the stability of an authority figure, mainly himself. By doing this he wins the boys respect and confidence in his leadership abilities. Ralph uses his authority to try to improve the boys' society. By building shelters he demonstrates his knowledge of the boys' needs. When he says to Jack, "They talk and scream. The littluns.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Female Juvenile Delinquency in Canada Essay -- Criminal Justice Essays

Female Juvenile Delinquency in Canada   The punishment for girls was much more harsh in the early days of Canada’s history when crime was seen as an intolerable part of town life.   Young girls of age thirteen and fourteen were often hanged for theft in the mid to late 17th century Quebec or put in detention centres (usually a hospital) for as much as six years at a time (Carrigan 8).   Age was sometimes taken into consideration for serious crimes and so whipping and branding was used instead of execution.   The practise in Halifax in 1815 was to whip a girl thirty-nine times at the community whipping post (Carrigan 37).   The most common problem among girls during this time and in the following years was prostitution and theft among young girls (Carrigan 23). Moving into more modern times, crime rates among young girls continue to increase.   From 1974 to 1993, crime went up about 6% among girls for all offences (Carrigan 203).   Prostitution, again, is a huge concern with girls as young as eleven years old participating and statistics such as 5,000 to 10,000 girls across Canada engaging in this form of deviance (Carrigan 186). Crimes that have been classed as particularly â€Å"male† crimes are now being committed more and more by females.   These crimes include drug abuse, robbery, assault with a deadly weapon, and murder.   Girls also resort to punching, kicking, cutting off another girl’s hair, and burning with a cigarette as forms of assault (Carrigan 186-188).   The 1990’s has also seen the rise of female gangs, especially in the Toronto area.   Girls are seen as just as violent as boys and showing as little remorse.   Membership attitude is less rigid since members can come and go as they please, and often include bored, wealt... ... therapy session.   Individual counselling was also available.   Group homes turned out to be a more successful rehabilitation device than training schools.   The coming of the Young Offenders Act brought about the building of new facilities called detention centres in Canada.   The goals of these centres are to increase the offenders’ understanding of his/her behaviour, to improve their ability to control their behaviour, to promote interpersonal skills, and to provide for academic and vocational skills to build self-esteem and to provide access to employment once released (Carrigan 245).   The Nova Scotia Youth Centre in Waterville is the closest detention centre in the area and it can house 120 males and females.   It opened in July of 1988. Reference Carrigan, D. Owen.   Juvenile Delinquency in Canada: A History. Irwin Publishing, Concord, Ontario, 1998.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Methods of intervention Essay

Any form of restraint, for example leg or wrist restraints, should only be introduced after a multidisciplinary assessment, which includes consultation with service users their families and advocates. If used, they should be selected carefully to impose the least restriction of movement required to prevent harm while attempts should continue to be made to achieve the desired outcomes with less restrictive interventions. Carers who have received specific training in their usage should only use such devices. The rational for using any devices and the circumstances in which they may be used must be clearly recorded within an individual’s care plan/ Positive Handling Plan. The Scottish Social Services Council have their own codes of practice for social service workers and employees. A quote from their handbook states; â€Å"Social Service workers must: Respect the rights of service users, whilst seeking to ensure that their behaviour does not harm themselves or others† This is following a pattern from the previous values and standards mentioned, which stated clients can only really go so far, before a method of intervention has to be used. In the mid nineties, a form of intervention was introduced in Scotland, which is now widely practiced in the care industry. C.A.L.M (Crisis and Aggression Limitation Management) Various systems use a prone position in which to restrain. This can be face up, or face down. In this country, the face down position is usually used. In the case of CALM the prone restraint is only one of a hierarchy of responses. There has been growing anxiety about the use of prone restraint. It has been associated with deaths due to positional asphyxia, although other positions also have this risk associated with them. In the US, some states have banned face down prone restraint; others have banned face up prone restraint. It is a method, which can compromise the dignity of both young person and staff. However, there is anxiety in some quarters that the removal of prone restraint may make methods  less effective. CALM Training Services are considering removing the prone restraint from their system. Certain methods of physical restraint include techniques, which include the deliberate use of pain to ensure compliance – CALM does not. CALM is a training package which covers the management of difficult behaviour, and which contains, as one of its components, strategies for physical intervention, including physical restraint. In addition, when staff have been trained by CALM Training Services, they are then assessed as to how competently they can carry out the physical elements, and thereafter, if they reach an acceptable standard, they receive accreditation, which has to be updated annually. CALM is now the method of choice of a significant number of employers in Scotland and beyond, and is used in child care services, learning disability services, and mental health services.  ·Physical restraint devices–such as safety vests and jackets, lap and wheelchair belts, and fabric body holders–may be beneficial to patients and their caregivers when used properly in settings ranging from nursing homes and hospitals to private homes.  ·Used properly, restraints have many benefits for patients and caregivers in both institutions and homes. Restraints may help protect the elderly from falls, which could result in injury or even death. If absolutely necessary, restraints also can help make medical treatment easier if a patient is temporarily uncooperative or highly agitated. If a patient is dangerous, restraints can protect other patients and staff from possible harm. Some patients feel safer and more secure, and need not worry about falling, if they use physical restraints. The method of restraining can be beneficial for many clients, depending on state of mind/health and situation at present time. A warning though; putting a restraint on certain patients may actually worsen their condition. For example, a chronically agitated patient may become more agitated with a restraint.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Electronics Laboratory Report.

Laboratory Long report. Electronic laboratory practice Abstract: The aim of this laboratory was to make us familiar with how to use the different types of electronic equipment and how to accurately use them to make measurements. The equipment used in this laboratory included: (i) the signal generator which was used to supply the power used in the various procedures, (ii) The oscilloscope which was used to view and record the waves produced from the AC currents and then make relevant calculations based on that. iii) The DC power supply was used in the first two procedures which involved using the resistors. (iv) Familiarised with the multimeter and used it to take measurements (v) the experiment board which was used to do create most of the circuits and take the necessary measurements. Procedure 1: The measurement of resistance. The resistances of the 5k? and 22k? resistors were found using the theory and by taking the actual readings. The resistances of the resistors were first measu red by comparing the colour bands on the resistors to the colour code chart provided.The procedure for this is: there are four bands on each of the resistors, and each colour on the band denotes a specific number on the resistor colour code chart, which gives us the significant figure and the multiplier which is in powers of 10. The values using the colour code were calculated and found to be as follows. * 5. 1k? with a  ±5% tolerance * 21k? with  ±10% tolerance. These nominal values are the ones that are calculated but in reality the actual values of resistance can be a bit different from the ones calculated due to impurities.The actual resistances are measured by using a multimeter, the way this is done is that the resistors are mounted on an experiment board and then the multimeter is connected right across it. The values were recorded and found to be as follows: * 5. 037k? * 21. 047k? | Nominal value| Actual value| 5k? resistor| 5. 1k?  ±5% tolerance| 5. 307k? | 22k? resis tor| 21k?  ±10% tolerance| 21. 047k| In conclusion, it can be seen that there was a difference in the calculated nominal values of the resistors and the actual ones which were calculated.But they were still within their tolerance levels; there could be plenty of reasons for that which might include different types of batteries, differences in temperature of the room, impurities in different sections of the experiment board which might have affected the readings. ’ The tolerance level is defined as an allowable variation from a predefined standard. A value from an experiment or a variance is not considered significant unless it exceeds the limit set by the tolerance limit. ’ – www. bridgefieldgroup. om/bridgefieldgroup/glos9. htm For this reason, we can assume these differences in the actual values of the resistors to be insignificant since they were within the stated tolerances. Procedure 2: The measurement of voltage. In this experiment, the principle was to create a voltage divider circuit and to carry out the required measurements were undertaken to prove the principle of the voltage divider. For that, a circuit was created where a supply voltage was applied across two resistors R1 and R2 in series as shown in the figure below.And the two equations shown below were used to make the necessary calculations. Image source: http://www. ermicro. com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/basic_r01. jpg http://diy. griffshp. com/wp-content/VoltageDivider. jpg The experiment was carried by using two resistors of values R1 equal to 5k? and R2 equal to 22k?. The resistors were mounted on the experiment board and the voltage divider circuit was created. The power was supplied using a +6v power supply and the voltages across each of the resistors was calculated using the Agilent 34401 multimeter.The values were recorded and were found to be as follows: V1=1. 1846v V2=4. 89v The total of the voltages adds up to be 6. 0167v which is roughly about 6v ( the initial voltage supplied) which proves that the voltages are within the required tolerance. To compare these measured values to the nominal values which can be found using the voltage divider equation, substitute the values of R1 and R2 and use V as 6v to find the voltages across each of V1 and V2. v1=6*55+22=1. 11v * V2=6*225+22=4. 88v | Nominal values| Actual values| V1| 1. 11v| 1. 1846v| V2| 4. 88v| 4. 89v| In this experiment it was found that the actual values and the nominal vales were not much different from each other. This could have probably been because of the resistances in the wires or loose connections. But they were both within a tolerance level of 5% which makes the difference insignificant and accountable for experimental error.The outcome of the experiment was that the voltages were shared between the two resistors and the larger resistor got the larger share of the voltage whereas the smaller resistance got the showed smaller voltage passing through it. This prove d the values that we found using the nominal calculations of the voltages. Procedure 3: current measurement. In this experiment, we use the current divider rule which is similar to the voltage divider equation except that the way the circuit is constructed is it is in parallel instead of series.The experiment was set up in the method shown below and the necessary calculations were made. The circuit was constructed as shown in the schematic above and a DC voltage of +6v was passed through it, the currents were measured in each of the resistors and found to be: * I1(current across 5k? ) =1. 182A * I2(current across 22k? )=1. 192A (Ps: The rest of the rest of the report could not be completed since the original lab was not completed on time and hence the required information was missing. ) Table of Contents: 1. Procedure 1 2. Procedure 2 3. Procedure 3

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Favourite Book Essay

The best book ever is German First of all I have to admit that I’m not a great book-lover, I don’t read a lot and this is a pity as I know I could improve my knowledge, my vocabulary, my ability in speaking and my fantasy too, but unfortunately I can’t find lot of free time to dedicate to books. Or, when I find it, I get tired soon and I can’t stay concentrate for a long time. Sometimes I re-discover the pleasure of reading especially when I find a book –or an article- that captures me. This has been the case of Christiane F.- Wir kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo, an extraordinary book I read twice (never happened before) that I can consider my favourite book at all. Christiane is a girl who lived the crazy Seventies in Berlin; in this autobiographic book she tells her unregulated life from the difficulties of the childhood to the age of twenty, when she had just came out of the tunnel of drug. Her rough father divorced from her careless mother and Christiane, with her little sister, had to move to Gropiusstadt, where she met the degrading side of life. When she was 12 she smoke marijuana for the fist time, following with LSD, ephedrine, mandrax, until she turned 14 and took Heroine. Since then, she had been taking drugs almost everyday, earning money with prostitution and little robberies. Her mum, after having found the girl fainted in the bathroom with a syringe in a vein, tried every possible rehab but she succeeded only at the age of 17. Christiane still lives in Berlin, has a child and she has had some relapses, but she never forgets her story, also made of friends who died for overdose. I think her life is told in a super-realistic way, full of passions, feelings and emotions that the reader can sense in first person. I loved so much this book that I went to Berlin and I visited Christiane’s places trying to imagine what was the context like at her age. I have hundreds of thing to add, but I must finish here, so I recommend this book with all my heart !

Saturday, September 14, 2019

People Led District Disaster Management Essay

Soon after the Orissa Cyclone and thereafter the Gujarat earthquake the Government of India prioritized a national policy on disaster management and advocated a change of direction from a post disaster reactive approach to a proactive stance before the occurrence of disasters, provided a new legal framework and greater harmonization of disaster management efforts. The policy set forth principles (including significant community role and active civil society participation), objectives (including emphasis on prevention, DRR and promoting regional and national cooperation), strategies and provisions for promoting inter-sectoral complementarities. The Disaster Management Act 2005, mandates National, States and district authorities to develop policy, guidelines, plans for proper implementation of Disaster management plans to reduce adverse impact on communities and to facilitate timely and effective response. It stresses upon inclusion of mitigation, preparedness and DRR measures into development. As a result SDMAs in various states initiated development of district disaster management plans. However, some plans were merely a collection of contact phone numbers of important authorities and departments from the district. There were significant gaps in these operational plans mainly due to non availability of a standard framework, lack of expertise and dedicated resources. Lack of community participation and that of relevant stakeholders in the preparation process has resulted in lack of ownership among intended users and beneficiaries. Disasters tend to happen to people at risk. People are at risk because they are vulnerable to hazards. This vulnerability can be best reduced by increasing people’s capacities to deal with underlying social, cultural and physical factors. The key to successful disaster management plan is to ensure involvement of people who are victims and who are at risk or could be potential victims. If this is not practiced it is often unsustainable, costly and ineffective. Most DDMPs in the country lacked participation of affected communities and civil society. A participatory community level disaster management involves a cross section of people in the design and development process of the plan. When local people develop these plans there is more interest, greater ownership and understanding resulting in successfully reducing suffering and losses. The key principles of this approach thus are: * Community themselves are best placed to prioritize threats and take effective risk reducing actions. The best time to reduce the impact of disasters is before the next disasters occur. Hence, preventive actions should be integral part of the effective disaster management plan. * The identification and mapping of hazards along with who and what may be affected is necessary before risk reduction plans can be made. * Progress has to be well publicized to maintain interest and strengthen the culture of disaster reduction. An example of this is found in the recent NDMA/SDMA collaboration with civil society coming together to develop community led DDMP in Madhubani. One of the basic highlights of the Madhubani DDMP process is that though it oriented towards response but it also incorporates reduction and prevention thrust. Incidentally, prevention has been recognized as an important aspect of DDMP by the district and state/SDMA but also in the poverty reduction strategy. As a result of DDMP several agencies/departments in Madhubani have shown willingness to incorporate prevention measures in their regulations, such as the building codes by the town planners that regulate development of settlements. It was encouraging to note high level of commitment from various stakeholders to improving DRR mechanism. Tearfund has been working along with its partners to lobby with governments at all levels for influencing the policies and development of effective people friendly plans. The Madhubani DRR project implemented by its partner organisation EFICOR in 30 villages in Madhubani was instrumental in development of pilot District Disaster Management Plan (DDMP) along with support from SPHERE India. The strength of this pilot has been the process it has embarked upon wherein involvement and participation of all level of stakeholders from community to district/state/national government authorities in development process of this DDMP. In view of intensive involvement of all relevant stakeholders the pilot has received good response and acceptance from the NDMA and SDMA. This is considered as the first ever attempt in developing a DDMP which has come up from the active involvement of first respondent in any natural disasters. As mentioned above the thrust of development of DDMP is that it is being developed involving affected community, hence, the approach has been bottom-up, however at the same time, all relevant stakeholders, be it government departments or the NGOs and other actors have been involved and participated at all stages of development of the plan. This is truly a plan developed by the people and for the people. This plan has also influenced many other civil socieities to take up similar preparations for other districts and states with the support of NDMA.

Friday, September 13, 2019

About movieHome Alone Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

About movieHome Alone - Essay Example The 103 minutes long movie is highly entertaining and justifies its tremendous success with its top position in the box office rating for 12 straight weeks. The plot is a dream come true fantasy for children. Kevin McCallister is accidentally left behind during the Christmas when his family rushes to catch their flight for Paris where they are to celebrate Christmas with friends and relatives. While the family realizes the faux pas only when they are airborne, Kevin is delighted to find himself all alone at home. His mother, Kate remains at Paris airport to catch the first flight for home and after much ado she finally reaches Chicago to be reunited with her son. Meanwhile, Kevin is having a gala time, enjoying all the things which were earlier forbidden like watching TV, eating junk food etc. The movie takes a turn for more riotous comedy when Kevin thwarts the intentions of two burglars who come to rob the McCallister home by playing mischievous pranks which are the highlights of the film. The film is a light comedy which a family can enjoy with unadulterated fun. It is realistic in the dreams that children would like to come true because all children just wish that their parents would disappear so that they can do what they want and have fun all day without any parental control. At the same time, it must have been nostalgic for some adults who had such fun playing pranks as Kevin had done in the film. At the same time, the elaborate planning and booby traps made by eight year old Kevin look too good to be true (Goldberg, 2000). But overall, the film was a huge success because it was fantasy filled comic play of shenanigans that children love. Even though the mischiefs are a little overboard, the director had succeeded in capturing the attention of the target audience. Smith (2013) has correctly summed up the film as it ‘showed kids an irresistible world stripped of parental control’. It was

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Despite the criticisms often levelled at the Community institutions Essay

Despite the criticisms often levelled at the Community institutions and their powers to legislate, it should be remembered that ultimate power still lies with t - Essay Example The legal scheme said to be designed by the Treaty at the outset has been assessed as having shortfalls in its objective of ensuring that the EC law be properly applied by the Member States. Article 169 procedures as a legal instrument in fighting against all the failures to fulfill obligations accordingly is not appropriate. This implies the need to create additional means to enforce and supervise the EC law (Gil Ibà ¡Ãƒ ±ez, 1997). To date, the Community and its underlying legal order can only hold on if that legal order is safeguarded and complied with and the Community law directly applied, with its primacy over national law (ABC of community law, 2004). For all its imperfections, however, the European Community legal order is said to have greatly helped in solving the political, economic and social problems of the Member States (ABC of community law, 2004). But there is yet the tag and pull when it comes to location of power in most aspects. Different institutions cooperate and govern the European Union and the most important of these are the Council, the Commission, the European Parliament and the Court of Justice. (EU Law, n.d.). With its own set of legislation, the European Community also has the laws of its member states. EC Law is concerned with treaties, regulations, and decisions of the European Court of Justice (Ibid). Made within the part of the European Union called the European Communities (EC), the EC Law is only the legislation that is applicable, hence called EC law. Based on the Treaties, it is the fundamental rules of the EU serving as agreements between the Member States. EC law comprises four different fields, namely primary law (the Treaties and the accession treaties of the new Member States), secondary law (all existing legal acts accepted by institutions of the European Union), international agreements between the European Union and

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Finance Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Finance Accounting - Essay Example The accounts above are made in light of portraying a true picture to the shareholders as well as any investors interested in the company. The true and fair view concept has been at the heart of financial reporting in the UK for over forty years. In recent years there has been a major increase in the international importance of this concept. This has come about with its adoption by the European Community in the Fourth Directive on company law and its implementation in all Community countries. However, this concept has never been defined in UK legislation, and a variety of meanings can be attributed to it. In view of the recent international developments and given that the UK is the source of the concept, this study sought to elicit the views of senior UK practitioners on the true and fair concept. The FRC has laid three points: that the concept of the 'true and fair view' remained a cornerstone of financial reporting and auditing in the UK; that there had been 'no substantive change in the objectives of an audit and the nature of auditors' responsibilities'; and that the need for professional judgement 'remained central to the work of preparers of accounts and auditors in the UK'. To support the application of the "true and fair view", accounting has adopted certain concepts and conventions which help to ensure that accounting information is presented accurately and consistently. The most commonly encountered convention is the 'historical cost convention'. This requires transactions to be recorded at the price ruling at the time, and for assets to be valued at their original cost. This is applicable when the calculations were made for the fixed assets of plant and machinery, fixtures and fittings and buildings. Under the...In view of the recent international developments and given that the UK is the source of the concept, this study sought to elicit the views of senior UK practitioners on the true and fair concept. The FRC has laid three points: that the concept of the 'true and fair view' remained a cornerstone of financial reporting and auditing in the UK; that there had been 'no substantive change in the objectives of an audit and the nature of auditors' responsibilities'; and that the need for professional judgement 'remained central to the work of preparers of accounts and auditors in the UK'. To support the application of the "true and fair view", accounting has adopted certain concepts and conventions which help to ensure that accounting information is presented accurately and consistently. The most commonly encountered convention is the 'historical cost convention'. This requires transactions to be recorded at the price ruling at the time, and for assets to be valued at their original cost. This is applicable when the calculations were made for the fixed assets of plant and machinery, fixtures and fittings and buildings. Under the "historical cost convention", therefore, no account is taken of changing prices in the economy. The other convention used is the monetary measurement concept.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Corporate social responsibility (with an example) Research Paper

Corporate social responsibility (with an example) - Research Paper Example It is not right to say that Corporations are excluded from societies; they are part of it and hence have a role to play within in the society circle. It is the society which gives them the name and recognition, and in return there is much to be given back to the society as well (Asongu, 2007). A society could be broad in the spectrum like an oil company whose impacts are there for entire environmental system, similarly a society could be small like for a grocery store whose items are only benefited to the specified group of people. Hence Corporations are part of societies and to survive in business they have to understand the societal norms and responsibilities (Horrigan, 2010). Analysis based Point of Opinion According to scholarly literature, it can be indicated that corporate social responsibility is a modern concept and has been compiled from various definitions. According to modern literature, corporate social responsibility is a business norm that includes all the business comp onents in one domain, like it includes buyers, consumers, share holders, employees, and communities which have to be served in one system (Asongu, 2007). Hence CSR is a broad concept, a concept that reaches out to each component attached to its system (Asongu, 2007). ... In Worlds tropical regions like South Africa and North India, there have been infectious disease spreading, like malaria and leishmaniasis for which there is no cure provided just because of high poverty and fewer paybacks to the pharmaceuticals (Hirsch, 2008). On the other side, there are no cures for chronic diseases (tuberculosis) as pharmaceuticals have forgotten the moral responsibility and have prioritized wealthy attainments than society. The cures are there but the will is not and due to economic reasons and not scientific, pharmaceuticals have stopped to research and develop. It is all because the priority is wealth and money, so the norms of society, virtuousness and morality have got disappeared in the tropical regions (Hirsch, 2008). From the modern perspective, it is not wrong to say that virtue and social responsibility are just matters of the book and scripture and not more than that. According to Lynn Payer (author of Disease-Mongers, 1992) medicine industry has been dominant due to several reasons, one of the main reason is disease mongering, a concept that brutally destroys the notion of corporate social responsibility (Dossey, 2010). In the modern system, medicine industry (pharmaceuticals) generates more than one trillion dollars each year. One of the secrets for such dominating figures on revenues is disease mongering â€Å"expanding diseases and developing the demand† (Dossey, 2010). Out of the trillion, billions are spent on advertisement and marketing campaigns, which is all to bring response and acceptation from the customer. One harsh fact is that patients are customers, customers that bring demand for the industry. Hence it is not harsh to say that the system of 21st century itself is violating the